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  1. Hello everyone!

    I'f you've noticed the time on my post, it's 2:20 am and I am totally out of ideas for the problems i'm having! I'd really appreciate some help!

    I've just got a brand new dvd movie and am trying to make a back up copy so that I can keep the original and never worry about it getting ruined by the kids etc!

    Anyway, I have tried using DVDShrink to rip and copy it and it gets to the same section of the disk in the "analysing" process and then says

    "DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue

    Failed to read file "E:\"

    Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)"

    Now, i've read some other posts on here regarding this which suggest the disk may be scratched etc, but this is brand new and i've copied older disks in worse condition than this with dvd shrink and they were fine!

    So, what could be the problem? I've tried decrypting it with DVDDecrypt and that is unable to decrypt it either.

    What on earth am i doing wrong?

    Any help anyone can give me would be immensely appreciated!


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  2. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    In the case of new DVDs, those are probably deliberate errors put there by the author to prevent you from backing up your purchased disc.

    If it's legal in your country, try this tool first
    and then use DVDShrink on the output if you want an sl disc
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  3. DVD Ninja budz's Avatar
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    DVD SHRINK and DVD DECRYPTER are no longer updated so as gl99 mentioned you'll have to use DVDFAB HD DECRYPTER to rip the files and then use DVD SHRINK. If you still encounter the same problem that new disc may have a scratch or smudge. Try cleaning the disc or your dvd drive could be failing to read discs. :wink:
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  4. Fantastic! I just did it with dvdfabdecrypter!

    Thank you SOOO MUCH for your help!


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