i have a little page where ppl can upload a movie and then the page convert in 3 types of flv. High, medium and lower.

Im using ffmpeg, but with difficult. I can give a price to the best command, reason : simple - i realy need to recover my nigth whitout sleep lol.

I cant get a good quality but sometimes i got a unsync audio

My wmv have 30 fps video bitrate 2000 to 3000 audio at 128kb (mp3) and 320x240 and about 3 minutes

- high

Im trying " ffmpeg -i input.wmv -b 700k -r 25 -s 320x240 -ar 22050 -ab 64 -f flv output.flv"

To low and medium and i playng whit the bitrate value.

Can someone give me some tips.

Thank to the vcdhelp gurus.

Sorry my bad bad tarzan english