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  1. my friend captured some short mjpeg video from her digital camera and it was rotated on its side 90 degrees so i was gonna toss it thru virtualdub's rotate filter. vdub gives me this error tho:

    the source image format is not acceptable. (error code -2)

    it'll play in media player classic FINE tho. any ideas?
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  2. Mod Neophyte redwudz's Avatar
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    From a still camera? Probably some type of Quicktime .mov. What does AVIcodec say about it?
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  3. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    If it's a mov, try River Past Video Cleaner to convert it to AVI. That's the only working way I found (and I tried every way in the book) for the .mov's my Nikon records.

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  4. Open the file in gspot or AVICodec and see what info is provided about the file. If its a .mov file then you can also use Nero Vision Express, WinAVI Converter, WinDVD Creater to convert it to mpeg format. But be aware of the resolution. Sometimes it may decrease. You can then apply the rotation filter in Vdub
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    Sounds like VDub opened it though and it wouldn't have even passed it if it was a mov file. If it is MJPEG, then presumably VDub's internal MJPEG decoder is being used

    Try opening it via AVISynth. Whilst you are there you might want to add turnleft() or turnright(). That way you can set VDub to fast recompress and save a colorspace conversion.
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  6. Member Safesurfer's Avatar
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    Rad Video Tools will also convert a camera MOV to AVI (choose your own compression codec.)

    If you use Avisynth, you might also be able to frameserve the file into VDub.
    "Just another sheep boy, duck call, swan
    song, idiot son of donkey kong - Julian Cope"
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  7. i used gspot before posting and found that it was an mjpeg, i guess i shouldve been more clear. right after posting i tried using avisynth and tried AviSource and DirectShowSource and both gave me errors once i tried playing the file in virtualdub or encoding it--same thing as before--itll load fine, but when i try to do anything to it, it blows up. directshowsource says something like unable to open as audio and video source and that it cant find the duration of either and avisource says something about not being able to be found could not decompress frame 0

    knowing that, is there anything more specific that i should do? thanks
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  8. Member Safesurfer's Avatar
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    You might want to look at this page on the Avisynth web site

    Specifically this part:-

    "Some MJPEG/DV codecs do not give correct CCIR 601 compliant output when using AVISource. The problem could arise if the input and output colorformat of the codec are different. For example if the input colorformat is YUY2, while the output colorformat is RGB, or vice versa. There are two ways to resolve it:

    1) Force the same output as the input colorformat. Thus for example (if the input is RGB):

    AVISource("file.avi", pixel_type="RGB32")

    2) Correct it with the filter ColorYUV:


    Some reference threads:

    [MJPEG codecs]

    [DV codecs]


    AviSource("d:\capture.avi") # C programmers note: backslashes not doubled
    AviSource("c:/capture/00.avi") # forward slashes work too
    WavSource("f:\soundtrack.wav") # this works
    AviSource("cap1.avi", "cap2.avi") # same as AviSource("cap1.avi")+AviSource("cap2.avi")
    AviSource("cap.avi", false, "RGB32") # disable audio and request RGB32 decompression
    AviSource("cap.avi", false, fourCC="CDVC") # opens a DV using the Canopus DV Codec
    AviSource("cap.avi", false, fourCC="XVID") # opens an avi (for example DivX3) using the XviD Codec"

    Also, with DirectShowSource some filters do not pass on the fps info of the file, try this script (assuming the camera captures at 15fps.)

    video=DirectShowSource("c:\filename.avi", fps=15)
    return GetChannel(video, 1, 2)

    Where GetChannel is the audio argument for a stereo source, if it's mono, just do (video, 1). Sometimes adding video=true after the fps argument helps as well.

    If that none of this works, can only suggest trying to convert to another format AVI using one of the aforementioned progs and using a lossless codec such as HuffyUV as the compression codec.
    "Just another sheep boy, duck call, swan
    song, idiot son of donkey kong - Julian Cope"
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  9. nero vision express wont take it either. all of Avisynth things didnt work too

    any ideas? it still plays fine in mpc
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  10. Member Safesurfer's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jorwex
    nero vision express wont take it either. all of Avisynth things didnt work too

    any ideas? it still plays fine in mpc
    OK, how about a simpler solution

    VDub needs a VFW MJPEG codec to be able to read in your file. You can download the Morgan MJPEG codec on a 60 day trial, and it includes a VFW codec as well as a DirectShow one. Best of all, it doesn't watermark the video like the PICVideo Mjpeg trial. See

    Once open in VDub, you can save back out as MJPEG, or choose another compression codec. For $20.00, it might be worth having if you anticipate doing more of this sort of thing.
    "Just another sheep boy, duck call, swan
    song, idiot son of donkey kong - Julian Cope"
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  11. I know this thread is very old but I just ran into this same problem and this is one of the first hits on google.
    I'm posting this with a account because i'm too lazy to sign up.

    After rotating a movie from a camera I was getting the same error from virtual dub when trying to encode to divx. No matter what colorspace or frameserving voodoo I tried to do it always gave me the same error.

    Turns out the real problem is DivX won't let you use 480X640 in most of the profiles. So switch to unconstrained and you'll be able to encode just fine.
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  12. Originally Posted by BiggerJim
    Turns out the real problem is DivX won't let you use 480X640 in most of the profiles. So switch to unconstrained and you'll be able to encode just fine.
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  13. Adwise above does work!
    I had this message because the video framerate was NTSC 29.97, but resolution - PAL 704x576.
    I did not switch to Unconstrained profile because I want to be sure file plays on DivX standalone player.
    Insted I kept the framrate - 29.97 and resized the video to 720x480.
    Cann't tell it's possible don't tell anything.
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