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  1. Member
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    Originally Posted by tin2tin View Post
    No idea what is happening. I all can read out of that post is that somehow the videoplayer can't be created, so make sure that you aren't running videogames or other video apps. You do not state your os - I don't know if DSG will run on Win 7...
    I'm running Windows XP SP3 on HP ProBook 4510s. No games or video programs running. I tried to reboot the NTB and reinstall the program. No luck - still the same error messages.
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    DSG runs on Windows 7 for me without even a glitch.
    @tin2tin Yes I love what I've learned here on the avisynth script wrappers. I have been using the .avs for the motion backgrounds.
    I've been collecting .avs script for any and ever file format I can find and using those as often as possible.
    Sometimes the backgrounds I find aren't the perferred ratio and I use Super to correct those, but still wrap them when I need a motion background.
    I have posted the Background Videos in their each individual full length using only .avs files if someone would like to see them. That whole project is pure .avs script except one .png slide for the watermark key.
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    Thanks for the tip on Syz_MultiStrip, but this is more what I had in mind... (1st video)

    I am using the latest build (
    I have the original AVS code and made the apropirate drive letter changes but still getting the "could not open in DevIL Library" error.
    this originally worked in 2009 (build or

    The Syz_MultiStrip code looks like this... (2nd Video)

    Here's the AVS script that used to work...
    # Script gererated by DVD slideshow GUI
    loadplugin("c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\Transitions\TransAll.dll")
    loadplugin("c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\bin\vsfilter.dll" )
    loadplugin("c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\bin\zoom.dll")
    loadplugin("c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\bin\freeframe.dll")
    # Definitions:
    SafeH = 576 
    SafeW = 720
    SafeAviH = multifour(576) # resizing avis within width and height 
    SafeAviW = multifour(720)
    # Import of background image - the proportions of this will be the proportions of the final film. 
    bname = "c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\Backgrounds\background_black.JPG" 
    SafebH = 576 # resizing background within width and height 
    SafebW = 720 
    rate = 25
    bname = LanczosResize(imagesource(bname,1,1,rate),SafeBW,safeBH)#.levels(0,1,255,16,255,coring=false)
    a = bname
    at = bname
    b = bname
    bt = bname
    Try {
    imgout=ImageSource("W:\DVD Slideshow\2011 Projects\MultiStripsH test 01 - AVS_temp_files\MultiStripsH test 01 - AVS%06d.ebmp", 0,2, rate)
    imgout=imgout.Levels(32, 1, 235, 16, 235, coring=false)
    Catch(err_msg) {
    imgout=blankclip(1,720,576, fps=25).converttoyv12()
    SafeH = 576 
    SafeW = 720
    # PROGRAM 
    # Slide no:1
    inpoint = 1
    a = (trim(imgout,000001,000001)) 
    a = loop(a,100)
    at = (trim(imgout,000001,000001)) 
    at = TransPrep(at,25)
    a = audiodub(a,BlankClip(length=a.framecount, fps = rate, audio_rate=48000, stereo = true))
    at = audiodub(at,BlankClip(length=at.framecount, fps = rate, audio_rate=48000, stereo = true))
    outpoint = a.framecount+at.framecount
    # Transition no:1
    bt = (trim(imgout,000002,000002)) 
    bt = loop(bt,25)
    bt = audiodub(bt,BlankClip(length=bt.framecount, fps = rate, audio_rate=48000, stereo = true))
    c = (import("c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\transitions\Cut.avs"))
    c = audiodub(c,BlankClip(length=c.framecount, fps = rate, audio_rate=48000, stereo = true))
    d = a + c
    # Slide no:2 - last
    b = (trim(imgout,000002,000002)) 
    b = loop(b,100)
    outpoint = d.framecount+b.framecount
    b = audiodub(b,BlankClip(length=b.framecount, fps = rate, audio_rate=48000)).eqaudio()
    d = d + b 
    d = pointchk(inpoint, outpoint) ? d : d.trim(0,inpoint)+audiodub(d.trim(inpoint,outpoint),BlankClip(length = (outpoint-inpoint), fps = rate, audio_rate=48000)).eqaudio()
    function TransPrep( clip TpClip, int TPLength)
    TpFrames = TpClip.framecount()
    TpClip= (TpFrames-abs(TpLength)<0) ? TpClip+loop(trim(TpClip, TpFrames, TpFrames),(abs(TpLength+TpFrames))) : trim (TpClip, TpFrames-abs(TpLength), TpFrames)
    Tpclip= (TpLength>0) ? loop(trim(TpClip, TpFrames, TpFrames),abs(TPLength)) : TpClip
    Return TpClip
    function TransPrepBack( clip TpClip, int TPLength)
    TpFrames = TpClip.framecount()
    Tpclip= (TpLength>0) ? loop(trim(TpClip, TpFrames, TpFrames),abs(TPLength)) : TpClip
    TpClip= (TpFrames-abs(TpLength)<0) ? loop(trim(TpClip, 0, -1),(abs(TpLength+TpFrames)))+TpClip : trim (TpClip, 0, TpFrames)
    Return TpClip
    #code by tsp - cf=current_frame,fr=framerate 
    function convert2smpte(int cf,float fr) 
      smpte=string(hh,"%02.0f")+":"+string(mm,"%02.0f")+":"+string(ss,"%02.0f")+"."+string(ff,"%02.0f")  return smpte }
    function convert2hhmmscff(int cf,float fr) 
      smpte=string(hh,"%02.0f")+":"+string(mm,"%02.0f")+":"+string(ss,"%02.0f")+"."+string(ff,"%02.0f")  return smpte }
    function convert2srt(int cf,float fr) 
      return smpte
    function Trim2(clip c, int start, int "end", int "length")
        Assert(!(Defined(end) && Defined(length)),
        \      "Trim2: <end> and <length> parameters cannot be used together")
        Assert(!Defined(length) || length >= 0,
        \      "Trim2: invalid length: " + String(length))
        end = Defined(end)
        \     ? ((end < 0) ? (c.FrameCount() + end) : end)
        \     : Max(start, c.FrameCount())
        end = Defined(length) ? (start + length) : end
        Assert(start >= 0, "Trim2: start frame out of bounds: " + String(start))
        Assert(end >= start, "Trim2: end frame out of bounds: " + String(end))
        start = Min(start, c.FrameCount())
        end = Min(end, c.FrameCount())
        # we can't use Trim(start, end - 1) in case end == 1
        return (start == end)
        \      ? c.NullClip()
        \      : c.Trim(start, -(end - start))
    function Trim3(clip c, int start, int "end", int "length")
        Assert(!(Defined(end) && Defined(length)),
        \      "Trim3: <end> and <length> parameters cannot be used together")
        Assert(!Defined(length) || length > 0,
        \      "Trim3: invalid length: " + String(length))
        end = Defined(length) ? (start + length) : Default(end, c.FrameCount())
        end = (end < 0) ? (c.FrameCount() + end) : end
        Assert(start >= 0 && start < c.FrameCount(),
        \      "Trim3: start frame out of bounds: " + String(start))
        Assert(end > start && end <= c.FrameCount(),
        \      "Trim3: end frame out of bounds: " + String(end))
        return c.Trim2(start, end)
    function Min(val a, val b) { return (a < b) ? a : b }
    function Max(val a, val b) { return (a > b) ? a : b }
    function Clamp(val n, val low, val high) { return Max(low, Min(n, high)) }
    # MaskTransition by stickboy
    function MaskTransition(clip c1, clip c2, imgpath , int dur) 
    ramp = imagesource(imgpath, 0, 0, 1, false).ConvertToRGB32()
    ramp = ramp.Lanczos4Resize(720,576)
    ramp = ramp.AssumeFPS(c1.FrameRate()).Loop(dur)
    transitionMask = Animate(ramp, 0, dur, "Levels",
    \                  0, 1.0, 00, 0, 255,
    \               255, 1.0,  255, 0, 255)
        overlap = transitionMask.FrameCount()
        trans1 = c1.Trim3(c1.FrameCount() - overlap)
        trans2 = c2.Trim3(0, length=overlap)
        trans = Overlay(trans2, trans1, mask=transitionMask)
        video = trans 
    	return video
    function Min(val a, val b) { return (a < b) ? a : b }
    function Max(val a, val b) { return (a > b) ? a : b }
    function AddBack(clip imagef, clip imageb, int dur) 
      b = imageB.converttorgb32() 
      f = imageF.Levels(0, 1, 255, 21, 255, coring=false).converttorgb32() 
      fa = imageF.converttorgb32() 
      x = (width(b)/2)-(width(f)/2) 
      y = (height(b)/2)-(height(f)/2) 
      c= overlay(b,f,x,y,mask=showalpha(fa), mode="blend") 
    return c.converttoyv12() 
    function SafeSize(image, int SafeW, int SafeH, float fps) 
      a = image 
      w= Width(a)
      h= Height(a)
      h = (w > SafeW) ? multifour(h * SafeW/float(w)) : h 
       w = (w > SafeW) ? SafeW : w 
       w = (h > SafeH) ? multifour(w * SafeH/float(h)) : w
        h = (h > SafeH) ? SafeH : h  
     return ((Width(a) != w) || (Height(a) != h)) ? a.LanczosResize(multifour(w), multifour(h)) : a 
    function Has169(clip rescheck)
    return rescheck
    function HasAudio(clip chkaud)
        return chkaud.AudioRate() != 0
    function HasMono (clip mon)
        return audiochannels(mon)!=2
    function pointchk (inval, outval)
        return inval>outval
    function multifour (val mfour)
        return (int(mfour/4))*4
    function eqaudio(clip eqaud)
    eqaud = eqaud.HasAudio() ? eqaud : audiodub(eqaud,BlankClip(eqaud.framecount, fps = 25, audio_rate=48000))
    eqaud = HasMono(eqaud) ? MergeChannels(eqaud.GetChannel(1), eqaud.GetChannel(1)) : eqaud
    return eqaud.ResampleAudio(48000)
    function AddAlphaBack(clip f, clip b)
      f = f.Levels(0, 1, 255, 1, 255, coring=false)
      x = (width(b)/2)-(width(f)/2)
      y = (height(b)/2)-(height(f)/2)
     return Layer(b,f,"add",255,x,y)#,0,use_chroma=true)
    function AddAlphaBackNoLev(clip f, clip b)
      x = (width(b)/2)-(width(f)/2)
      y = (height(b)/2)-(height(f)/2)
     return Layer(b,f,"add",255,x,y)
     function SafeSizeKB(image, int SafeW, int SafeH) 
      a = image 
      w= Width(a)
      h= Height(a)
      h = (w > SafeW) ? multifour(h * SafeW/float(w)) : h 
       w = (w > SafeW) ? SafeW : w 
       w = (h > SafeH) ? multifour(w * SafeH/float(h)) : w
        h = (h > SafeH) ? SafeH : h  
     return ((Width(a) != w) || (Height(a) != h)) ? a.LanczosResize(multifour(w), multifour(h)) : a 
    function importavs(string impavs)
    import(impavs).AssumeFPS(25, true).eqaudio()
    AssumeFPS(25, 1, true) 
    import("c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\Posteffects\Post_only_MultiStripsH.avs").AssumeFPS(25, true).eqaudio()
    Thanks for your help
    Image Attached Files
    "A picture is worth a thousand words--But it uses up a thousand times the memory."
    ~ Unknown
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  4. @ Angus - can't see that youtube video because of rights of Sony Music Corp. Get more video backgrounds here:

    Overview here:
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  5. @spotfinder - does 'c:\Program Files (x86)\DVD slideshow GUI\Posteffects\Post_only_MultiStripsH.avs' still exist?
    BTW. that script is not the background effet, but the exported slideshow as .avs script.
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    yes, that script still exists. I am on a new machine, downloaded the latest build... there it was. I never had to import the script into DSG backgrounds. I needed to change the drive letters in the script to correspond with the new machine though.
    As for the "BTW"... "the exported slideshow as .avs script." Not sure I understand. If it's exported as an .avs script, how then does it get converted back to a standard video format??? I love the effect but, am having trouble replicating it.

    Much thanks in advance.
    "A picture is worth a thousand words--But it uses up a thousand times the memory."
    ~ Unknown
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  7. @ Spotfinder - Take a look at 'Help' > tutorials > Adding more effects and then locate and thinker with the multistrip .avs file.

    What is Avisynth Script:
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    @tin2tin Yes you must be reading my mind that too cool. I started getting those the other day, they're .WMV file and look really good.
    It was the first link in the description of this persons YouTube post
    The list goes on I've only gotten to the tunnel videos on Movietools so far and haven't even checked the other 6 links he's (livetechausttalia) posted there. Sometime I still convert from the original files just to get on my way because of wierd things that hapen to me with video ratios. But then sometimes the DSG project ratio settings take charge. I am not an expert and there's a lot of trial and error for me.
    I must say there's less disappointments for me since you have somehow taught me to use .avs files. Ya see I one of those old guys that always worked in DVAVI files and all this just makes me laugh when it works. Thanks, it's a blast.

    @SpotFinder wouldn't Super import .avs and convert to any format I've ever seen? Sometimes I just import the .avs and render in the DSG to one of the choices available there. The MP4 file in the YouTube temp folder is interesting to steal, sometimes I just cancel the upload after that file is rendered.
    Last edited by argusvidicon; 17th Feb 2011 at 15:26.
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  9. @ Angus
    Here's a bit on addborders and crop functions in Avisynth:

    In the Programs > Avisynth > Avisynth Documentation you'll be able to find more info on those and other commands.
    Last edited by tin2tin; 18th Feb 2011 at 00:55.
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    @ tin2tin thanks for the link to a bit on borders and crop. What I was concerned with was getting the ratio to 720X480 especially when it was some form of 3X4 ratio. My life has become simplified because of you and this thread
    It wasn't long ago that if I saw .avs script language I just closed the browser and played my guitar. I have found this script that I added to the a line and it has worked perfectly. LanczosResize(720,480) or Lanczos4Resize(720,480). Both worked, I don't know which is best, but this will be a solution to a great deal of size issues for me. Sometimes a video file has black on the sides, because it's odd 3X4 in a 720X480 project or whatever the reason. I just know that the Resize script will come in handy. Would you say this Lanczos is the suggested method, or is there a better one?
    Also on your post #1264 I will upload the video without music and post the link again.
    In your post #1260 I am using the video background very much, however have found that I do not know how to use different script wrapper background videos for separate files in a project. The background function seems to be global throughout the project. Unless I am incorrect and just don't know how to do it. I have been just putting in the files and their individual script backgrounds, render and import rendered collection into a new project. If that sounds wild to you, laugh and think how I feel about it.
    Is there a way to have different background videos behind individual slides in a project? Or is it one background for the whole project?
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    @tin2tin from post #1264, I have replaced the audio via YouTube provided audio. Sorry 'bout that everyone I am egocentric in the US.
    Last edited by argusvidicon; 23rd Feb 2011 at 14:45. Reason: URL change
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  12. Member
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    Originally Posted by SpotFinder View Post
    I'm getting an error message when trying to select "MultiStripsH" as a background. The error reads...
    ÏmageReader: error Çould not open file'in DevIL library.

    What and where is the DevIL library?
    The DevIL library is built into Avisynth and is used for processing image files.
    The full text of that error message should also contain the name of the image file and the line number within the Avisynth script which is trying to read it.

    It could indicate something wrong with the image file, but more likely it is simply that the file does not exist (eg wrong folder or path name).
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    No help or suggestion for me?
    Could you recommend me a similar program that can do what I want?
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    I am not a computer programmer, so I need help on my error I seem to be getting at the end of my slide show. When I'm previewing my slideshow everything is fine until the 3rd frame from the end all of a sudden becomes black and in red font says "Too few arguments for spline" I'm not sure what this means? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you!
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  15. @ k.eight.a - It's a videoplayer in the 'Project Settings' window which can't be created on your computer. As I wrote earlier I have no idear why this doesn't work on your computer. DSG runs fine on my old XP computer, so there is something in your computer setup/programs which interfers or blocks creation of a videoplayer with wxbasic/wxwidgets.

    @ Imakula - Sounds like you somehow managed to make an animation with too few keys - try to swich all animation off.
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  16. Hi tin2tin! I just made a slideshow project with ~50 jpgs, all animated, with random transitions & animated background. Also with a mp3 music file, with "match duration" applied. Worked a treat! Fabulous software!

    One query however - is there a "fade-in" applied to the start of the audio?? How can I turn this off?

    Another thing I must ask - when I use the "match duration" feature, it (correctly) rearranges all the durations to match the song length. HOWEVER, what if I want certain pics to STAY a certain duration, while all the rest are readjusted? Is there any way you can incorporate a "LOCK" feature, which will basically LOCK the duration for specific pics, so that when I apply "match duration", these specified pics' durations remain UNCHANGED? (I hope I am making sense here!).

    It would be a great feature - and a necessary one, I feel IMHO!!

    Thanks again, tin2tin!
    Quote Quote  
  17. is there a "fade-in" applied to the start of the audio?? How can I turn this off?
    You can't unless you export as .avs and tinker with that file.

    Is there any way you can incorporate a "LOCK" feature?
    No, I don't think so - you'll just have to use some old school math...
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    I'm using an .flv file and avs script to do some croping. Do you have any better suggestion other than what I'm doing.
    DirectShowSource("C:\clip.flv",fps=29.97,convertfp s=true)

    Not worried about resize for the DSG, but I do however want to convert the same file in Super, and probably won't have to use script to resize there either.
    I think I'm having sync problems, so I just wanted to ask you here. You all seem so helpful and advise I gotten from here has been smooth.

    @chowmein - I have done the ""old school math" and it works well. Not much fun, but looking at the song length in relation to project length worked for me.
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  19. @argusvidicon - I've had big problems myself with keeping converted flv in sync - my best suggestion is to try the ffmpegsource import script, with the framerate specified.
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    @tin2tin - Yes it's a hassel those .flv. Lots of people download YouTube videos and converting then into something useful takes time. If they're 720p or better and you change that before you capture it you'll get MP4. I've been just using CX2DVD and doing my crop and pad and ratio format from there. You get a .VOB from there you can work with in Super for formatting to the DSG. Still having trouble lining up a script to get several videos in the DSG with transitions between them unless I use all .avi files. It's not important really I should be in Premiere and be kind to the DSG. I just like to torture it, as with any open source projects. That's what I think I'm here for, but no one will let me borrow their car any more.
    Quote Quote  
  21. DSG can import .avs(avisynth scripts) as slides(like jpg, png etc.), so I think you do not need to convert the files first in Super and cx2dvd.
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    Thanks tin2tin, I'll have a go at it with 3 clips from a video, that should set a fire. I'll create 3 scripts one for each piece of a (the) video and toss a transition in between each. I use the black jpg for my background file so I don't have to look at that warning. Like rubbing a lamp to see if a genie pops out.
    Thanks for everything, I set a shortcut to the AvsP and use it regularly thanks to this forum.
    Quote Quote  
  23. An example of avisynth script imported video clips:
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  24. Member
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    @tin2tin Nice video, I sure wish I had a copy of THAT project file and those sample clips and avs files to analyze. I have gotten it to work as stated, however there's always some nasty artifacts during the transitions. I really like the concept, and would be more than willing to fit all my material into the most favored mold. Video file formats and background file and transitions. I guess there's some details I'm missing along the way. That video is smooth, mine tend to generate a glitch here and there and something seems to choke during the transitions. I'm not saying I haven't gotten it to work as stated, it's just that I haven't got it down to a science yet. I am a lazy Adobe Premiere CS4 person. I've been using that since 93, so I know my way around it. It's not fun no more but the DSG is a riot and I love it.
    Your MP4 render is actually the best I have in the house. I just wish it would not need 3 frames of a black slide to use the DSG just to render a clip. I can't get any conversion software to make as nice an output as a few I've gotten from the DSG. That's really good.
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  25. If you want to make a mp4 out of a videofile try this command line(change: "yourfilepath.avs" your_fps_here "your_out_filename.mp4") with ffmpeg(it's all one line):
    ffmpeg -i "yourfilepath.avs" -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -level 41 -refs 2 -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0 -coder 1 -subq 6 -me_range 21 -r your_fps_here -b 5120k -bt 8192k -bufsize 15000k -maxrate 16000k -g 300 -threads 8 -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ab 128k "your_out_filename.mp4"
    Here's a bit on how to run a program from a command line:
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    This look great thank you. However I am very lost. I will save this information and try to understand just what and where and how to use it. It looks exactly like what I'm asking for. Only problem is I don't compleatlly know what I'm seeing and not sure how to implicate it. Remember How my brain struggles at first for about a week just understanding how to utilize the .avs script tou taught me. It's a fact that I have no idea what to do with this. So supposedly I run a windows command line with this ? and put "myavspath.avs" in place. I get that part. But I'm lost on the other two parts. Let's say my fps is 29.97 and my out file name is video. Would it those parts look like this. ffmpeg -i "chuck.avs" -f mp4 vcodec ... and then 21 -r 29.97 -b 5120k ... and then ... 128k "video.mp4"

    Sorry but if that's what I need to do it seem simple enough. Am I correct that this is to be run in a windows command line?
    So in a windows command line I just put all on one line

    ffmpeg -i "chuck.avs" -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -level 41 -refs 2 -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0 -coder 1 -subq 6 -me_range 21 -r 29.97 -b 5120k -bt 8192k -bufsize 15000k -maxrate 16000k -g 300 -threads 8 -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ab 128k "video.mp4"

    In a windows command line ?
    It can't be that simple, if it is I owe you a beer.
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    @tin2tin OK Even though I tried to enter all that in a command line it wouldn't let me put that much in there. I started beeping at me shortly after -subq 6
    This looks great I would like to do it, but as usual I am confused. May it's Windows 7 but probably not, I just don't think I know what to do with what you have given me. I can replace my parameters in the positions where needed, I do it all the time with the avs writing you've taught me. I just don't knmow where to paste the line or what to do with it. I'm just interested because the DSG really does make some sweet MP4 files.
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  28. Is there any way to have subtitles but not have them rendered on to the video?
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  29. @ argusvidicon

    Download ffmpeg into the c: directory.
    Copy your files including the video files to c: and ajust the paths in the avs files accordingly.
    How to open the command line promt in windows 7:
    When it runs(black screen with a blinking cursor) type: cd c:\
    This will take you to the c: directory.
    (one directory up: cd .. )
    (one directory down cd foldername)
    Correct the paths in the command line. Use "" around paths with spaces in them.
    Copy that command line.
    Right click in the cmd window and select paste.
    Hit return to start ffmpeg converting that file.
    Now is should start converting if the paths are all correct.

    Good luck...

    Check the homepage for ffmpeg to figure out the meaning of all the command line swiches.

    @ Spies - The only way is to export as .all and use Gui for Dvdauthor to import all the files from DSG, however the subtitles will not be looking very good(low res quality).
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    East Canton, Ohio USA
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    @tit2tin Thank you tin2tin can't wait to try it. I guess I'll run Norton Ghost and give it a shot this evening. Thanks I'll pay attention to your details and let you know what happens.
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