hi everyone i have a fairly simple request i would like to make here. i have no experience with video editing and that's why im asking for your help. what i'd like to do is take this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XyS7uCtnq0 and replace the earth with the virtual planet in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzpaSWP_Qzo it would have to be scaled down to fit the size of the earth as you would imagine so the sun would rise over the virtual planet. i hope its not too much trouble and one of you pro's can do this for me. one more thing i'd like to ask is for the virtual planet to stay dark the way it is in the first video until 1:02 when the que comes in and then light it up like a christmas tree haha.
thank you!
P.S. if it is too much trouble then please direct me to the right program/s that will make it happen.
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Results 1 to 30 of 118
To do this badly is easy - most editors can do it with minimal effort. Just load up a png of the planet with everything else transparent, overlay it on the video footage, and animate it moving in place of the earth.
If you want it done well it will be trickier because of the lens flare from the sun. Almost easier to just recreate it instead in something like after effects.Read my blog here.
Are you talking about replacing the object in the foreground or the middle ground?
In the animation the Sun is rising over the crescent Earth and the dark Moon is "falling" in the foreground.Last edited by jagabo; 25th Apr 2011 at 07:52.
like i said in my post i have 0 experience with video editing so i was hoping someone here (mayyybe you) can do it for me lol. the most that i can do is scale the virtual world down to the size of the earth i uploaded it here: http://i53.tinypic.com/2wdbneq.jpg i hope that'll get someone started since it is easy like you said. i guess i'll deal with the flare problem later somehow.
thanks again!Last edited by sprintt; 25th Apr 2011 at 10:21.
i realise you said .png and not .jpg but i have no idea how to create a .png as you can imagine...sorry about that.
@jagabo im talking about replacing the crescent earth (the closest object to the sun) i.e. the object in the middle ground.Last edited by sprintt; 25th Apr 2011 at 10:24.
If the lighting is coming from behind from the sun, you won't be able to see the replacement planet (you will only see the crescent rim)
But the rim of the new planet looks almost exactly like the rim of the old planet earth
Maybe you should give this a little more thought -
well yeah that's pretty obvious haha but i still think its going to work. i've thought about waiting for the que at 1:02 to "light it up" and i thought about having the new planet blue from the moment its being revealed. the latter sounds better but it would be a bit harder to achieve.
do you have any ideas?Last edited by sprintt; 25th Apr 2011 at 13:34.
It's not going to work the way you think it is
The sun already casts light and a glow from rays; if you just replace the whole planet (ie. entirely blue from the start) without masking out the shadow or replacing the glow and rays, it won't look right
Seriously - you should give this some more thought... -
Or learn how to do it yourself. Or pay some one to do it for you. It's not a trivial task if you want it done right.
If you want to see the full face of the replacement planet, and have it looking semi-authentic, you need a front illumination source
Think of where the light is coming from. Shadows and light are part of what makes compositions look "real"
If you don't follow the rules of physics, things start to look fake and cartoony -
I put a space ship in there. http://youtu.be/62fTBzVJBoE
Last edited by budwzr; 25th Apr 2011 at 23:02.
[QUOTE=budwzr;2074392]I put a space ship in there. http://youtu.be/62fTBzVJBoE [/QUOTE]
A bit bored are we? -
WHoo Hoo hoo, I got tears from laughing so much. That pretty much sums up the topic. This thread is kapooped so I gave it the final kick, hahaha.
@lowellriggsiam im not sure what you did there but it looks pretty good! it seems like you need to change the color of the planet to a lighter shade of blue and the job will be done.
Hardly. He has to add motion tracking to the moon, add variable lens flare so that the sun's flare covers the planet, add the moving crescent of light that crawls around planet. The crescent will be difficult to do in 2d. Then there are the titles that come and go. What's he going to do about them? You haven't thought this through.
I created my own planet using a moon map I found on google images, then applied cc sphere to make it spherical + a transparent background, then I used cc colorama to change the color. I changed the radius so that it was about the same size as the planet, but large enough to block it from view. I created two copies of the film, one on top and one in the back as I needed to block out the planet for this I animated a mask on the opening moon so the moon remained visible in the foreground.
I'll have to make it again. From my perspective this is videohelp, not videodoitforme. I'll do it again though.
Last edited by budwzr; 26th Apr 2011 at 12:05.
Anyway buzz, I made a very loose reproduction. I did not resolve the text behind the planet as I would have to cut the film so that the "add" blending mode would not be continous.
Here's a very loose look at it having been replaced. I have the mask adjusted on my pc, but not the upload. For the text either the film would need to be cut, or the text masked out and replaced via a text layer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-rdHrL2aK4
Just a demonstration....I also just split the movie and the text issue is now resolved. I may actually resolve the light blue orb using cc lense. I have a new solid with cc lense applied to make orb like. Still need to create a better mask. Rendering right now.
Last edited by lowellriggsiam; 26th Apr 2011 at 12:58.
Blue orb + text issue resolved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un77pj2AOKw
It would have been quicker to have just recreated it.Last edited by lowellriggsiam; 26th Apr 2011 at 13:29. Reason: Other
Would have been no need to refine masks and been made in HD. The bright flare in the back would have taken some tweaking, and a recreation is not what he asked for.
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