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  1. Member
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    Can you please tell me what transparency do you set when you are creating images for a DVD menu ? These images are for normal view, highlighted view (when a button gains focus) and selected view (when a button is selected). I have tried multiple combinations but none of them work. That is, the menu does not show the buttons. Also, when the DVD is played, the menu is skipped and the first title starts off right away.

    Please help; I am at my wits end on this one as I have tried numerous options to get around this.
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  2. Member
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    The first problem is we have no idea what it is your using to either author / re-author with ... it would help knowing what equipment and applications you have and if you have tried other programs.

    Spumux ... much easier to understand the log outputs to gain information about its operation from such programs as dvdauthorgui and others here in the tool section.
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  3. Member
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    The first problem is we have no idea what it is your using to either author / re-author with ... it would help knowing what equipment and applications you have and if you have tried other programs.
    I have tried many options; GIMP, commands from mjpegtools suite, tutorials from MythTV, GIMP plugin and even a link from this forum. Perhaps, I am missing something obvious, but, it is not working for me. In my defence, most explanations are around, "This worked for me" rather than a good explanation of the underlying theory and its application.

    Spumux ... much easier to understand the log outputs ...
    You mean, there is actually a log file for spumux ? All I see is console output.

    Anyway, let me describe me most recent attempt. If you could help me get around this, it would be terrific !

    NOTE: I want a command line option because the menu images will be done by a friend who is far more creative than me; but, not much command line savvy.

    First, I created a video that should appear as soon as the disc is run. This video is ini.vob. Second, I created a video for the menu. This is bkg.vob. These videos are generated off a PNG which is itself a scaled version (720x576 for PAL) of a JPG file.

    ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -t 5 -f image2 -i ini-PAL.png -aspect 16:9 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p ini.mp4
    ffmpeg -y -i ini.mp4 -target pal-dvd ini.vob
    ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -t 5 -f image2 -i bkg-PAL.png -aspect 16:9 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p bkg.mp4
    ffmpeg -y -i bkg.mp4 -target pal-dvd bkg.vob
    I created three PNG in GIMP that are all of 720x576 pixels size - menu_image_bl.png (default), menu_select_bl.png (select) and menu_highlight_bl.png (highlight). This was done with the GIMP plugin for DVD authoring. While working with this plugin, I tried with both options of 100% transparency (0% opacity) and 100% opacity (0% transparency).

    Image properties:
    Image: menu_image_bl.png
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        png:bKGD                 : chunk was found (see Background color, above)
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        png:bKGD                 : chunk was found (see Background color, above)
        png:cHRM                 : chunk was found (see Chromaticity, above)
        png:gAMA                 : gamma=0.45454544 (See Gamma, above)
        png:IHDR.bit_depth       : 8
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        png:PLTE.number_colors   : 4
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        png:tRNS                 : chunk was found
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        filename: menu_highlight_bl.png
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          min: 0 (0)
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          mean: 94.9205 (0.372237)
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          kurtosis: 8.10174
          skewness: -3.1533
          min: 0 (0)
          max: 255 (1)
          mean: 22.1601 (0.0869024)
          standard deviation: 71.8314 (0.281692)
          kurtosis: 6.60234
          skewness: -2.93297
      Image statistics:
          min: 0 (0)
          max: 255 (1)
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          skewness: 4.72915
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            65: (248,  0,  3,255) #F80003 srgba(248,0,3,1)
         25980: (255,  0,  0,255) #FF0000 red
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        white point: (0.3127,0.329)
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        Comment: Created with GIMP
        date:create: 2013-12-30T17:54:21+05:00
        date:modify: 2013-12-30T17:54:21+05:00
        png:bKGD                 : chunk was found (see Background color, above)
        png:cHRM                 : chunk was found (see Chromaticity, above)
        png:gAMA                 : gamma=0.45454544 (See Gamma, above)
        png:IHDR.bit_depth       : 8
        png:IHDR.color_type      : 3 (Indexed)
        png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)
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        png:PLTE.number_colors   : 4
        png:sRGB                 : intent=0 (See Rendering intent)
        png:text                 : 1 tEXt/zTXt/iTXt chunks were found
        png:tRNS                 : chunk was found
        signature: e59be9b3d412427a468c07626a8bbaeda150c38566bd07c17f9dcaa78133a9f8
        filename: menu_select_bl.png
        verbose: true
      Tainted: False
      Filesize: 3.33KB
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      Elapsed time: 0:01.009
      Version: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10 2013-09-10 Q16
    The plugin also created an XML file to be used with spumux as shown here:

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
          <spu force="yes" highlight="menu_highlight_bl.png" image="menu_image_bl.png" select="menu_select_bl.png" start="00:00:00.00">
            <button name="b5" up="b4" x0="40" x1="160" y0="420" y1="460"/>
            <button down="b5" name="b4" up="b3" x0="40" x1="180" y0="340" y1="380"/>
            <button down="b4" name="b3" up="b2" x0="40" x1="160" y0="260" y1="300"/>
            <button down="b3" name="b2" up="b1" x0="40" x1="220" y0="180" y1="220"/>
            <button down="b2" name="b1" up="b0" x0="40" x1="180" y0="100" y1="140"/>
            <button down="b1" name="b0" x0="40" x1="220" y0="20" y1="60"/>
    I used this with spumux and followed it with conversion to VOB as shown below.
    spumux menu_spu.xml < bkg.mp4 > menu.mp4
    ffmpeg -y -i menu.mp4 -target pal-dvd menu.vob
    At this point, I have the videos (ini.vob, menu.vob) and the images (menu_image_bl.png, menu_select_bl.png, menu_highlight_bl.png) ready for work with dvdauthor. The control XML for dvdauthor (as suggested in the GIMP plugin) is as follows:

        <vob file="ini.vob"/>
        <post>g0=0;jump titleset 1 menu;</post>
        <vob file="menu.vob"/>
         <button name="b0"> jump title 1; </button>
         <button name="b1"> jump title 1; </button>
         <button name="b2"> jump title 1; </button>
         <button name="b3"> jump title 1; </button>
         <button name="b4"> jump title 1; </button>
         <button name="b5"> jump title 1; </button>
          g0=button;jump menu 1;
       <vob file="movie.vob"/>
    After dvdauthor, I converted the contents of the dvd output folder to an ISO image with mkisofs. Then, I ran it with ffplay. Here is what happens:
    1. The ini.vob plays for 5 seconds duration.
    2. The menu.vob appears - without menu or buttons - and disappears within couple of seconds.
    3. The movie.vob starts.
    What am I missing ?
    Quote Quote  
  4. Why not do it like normal people and use one of the GUIs for spumux. I use DVDAuthorGUI when I create menus.

    Originally Posted by freevideo View Post
    NOTE: I want a command line option because the menu images will be done by a friend who is far more creative than me; but, not much command line savvy.
    You can't have him send you the menu images? And, if not, it's easy enough to replace yours with his later on after making the DVD.
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  5. Member
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    GIMP, commands from mjpegtools suite
    Confirm contents of iso are compliant with dvd specs ... your iso should not contain vobs using name "ini" and "movie" ... otherwise its non-compliant ... start over again.

    spumux menu_spu.xml < bkg.mp4 > menu.mp4
    ? Where did MP4 come from ... Im pretty sure spumux has nothing to do here ... and if it did it was destroyed during the conversion using ffmpeg from mp4 to vob.


    You friend can use spumux with mpeg stream, the necessary xml, and their image to produce the necessary output ... yet ... this may produce a much larger file ... it would be simpler for them to share the image file by other means.
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  6. Member
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    Why not do it like normal people and use one of the GUIs for spumux.
    I have been accused of being 'abnormal' at times But, I think, it is perfectly reasonable to opt for a command line solution.
    Confirm contents of iso are compliant with dvd specs ... your iso should not contain vobs using name "ini" and "movie" ... otherwise its non-compliant ... start over again.
    oh ? I wasn't aware that the file names had to comply to a standard ! With the DVD spec rated at $5000, it will be difficult to find out about the standard.
    Where did MP4 come from
    It is generated from a PNG (scaled to PAL dimensions) from ffmpeg as 5 second video.
    Im pretty sure spumux has nothing to do here ... and if it did it was destroyed during the conversion using ffmpeg from mp4 to vob.
    I am unable to get dvdauthor to work without VOB files (for example, see this); hence the conversion.
    Last edited by freevideo; 5th Jan 2014 at 02:00. Reason: grammatical mistake
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by freevideo View Post
    But, I think, it is perfectly reasonable to opt for a command line solution.
    Maybe, if you know what you're doing.

    Did you consider my other two suggestions?
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  8. Member
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    Maybe, if you know what you're doing.
    I will immediately accept that I am no video expert; although, in the past couple of months, I have learnt quite a bit than your average "just pop into the DVD tray" person. (Compile ffmpeg, learn about its codecs, PNG file format, GIMP use, fiddling with DVD control file, etc.) But, I see this as a learning opportunity so that I can sustain the momentum of a non-profit initiative that I am planning.

    Did you consider my other two suggestions?
    I did have luck with DVDStyler. In fact, I found out that the structure of its XML file is similar to the one required by dvdauthor. But, it is too dissimilar to feed the XML of DVDStyler to dvdauthor directly; unless, one is up for some heroic compatibility efforts.

    You can't have him send you the menu images?
    Maybe...but, even then I want a command line option. My aim is to just drop the images onto a folder so that spumux processes it in a cron job.

    And, if not, it's easy enough to replace yours with his later on after making the DVD.
    You mention ...after making the DVD. Can you please elaborate this ?
    Quote Quote  
  9. Originally Posted by freevideo View Post
    Can you please elaborate this ?
    I don't know enough about the kinds of menus you're making - static or motion, buttons in the same places with both, or different places. However, I made a guide for this once upon a time. If they're both static it can be pretty simple (skip down to The Easy Way at the bottom. If they're motion menus and the buttons are still in the same place, it's still fairly easy, but you'll have to perform all the steps:

    If you're using Gimp that implies that at least some are static. You can send him the basic BMPs you create and have him use the text you created for the buttons in the same place when he creates the better ones. But this may be more easily done after he creates the menu images for you.

    Also, if transparencies are a problem, DVDSubEdit can probably set that right after the DVD is made. The menu being skipped when the DVD is inserted is another problem fairly easy to fix, this time by adjusting the commands using PGCEdit. I still think an authoring program with a GUI would be much better if you're really at my wits end. The things you're having problems with are really basic and handled smoothly by just about any authoring program that also handles menu creation.
    Quote Quote  

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