Hi there, new kid on the block, lots of enthusiasm, virtually no practical experience.

I'm keen to use Videowave 4 as my main editor, but it does not have a standard template to produce SVCD compliant MPEG2 files. Does anyone know if such a thing exists, or is it out of the reach of Videowave.

If I can't create the MPEGS direct from Videowave, should I be creating AVIs and letting TMPEnc do the conversion. I'm short on disk capacity, and I'd rather not create additional AVIs if I can avoid it.

Is there a half way house of letting Videowave create non SVCD MPEG2 (thereby saving the space) and then using TMPEnc to make them SVCD compliant.

If this all sounds like I don't know what I am doing, you are probably right.

For background, Hardware : P3 800 128mb, Dazzle II, TI Firewire, Pioneer 530 DVD. Software : Win98, Videowave 4, Nero 5.5, TMPEnc (not sure what version), Applications : Domestic video archive (Video 8, now DV), school videos etc.

Thanks in advance for any help, and keep up the good work!