Hi everyone, this is my first post so I'll try to be as clear as possible.

I am working for a casting company and we are doing auditions to find talents.

I will be filming these auditions on my Canon GL2 and I will record simultaneously the footage on my laptop (with a 500GB hard drive) with Adobe Premiere Pro 2.

The question is : how do I create a pattern (not necessarily on Premiere, could be any program) to quickly edit my footage.

Basically I want to do this :

Can that be done easily? I've tried once the hard way : I took a screencap of each of the chapters, pasted it on a JPEG, then created a menu in Adobe, then made shortcuts on that JPEG to redirect to the chapters.. etc.

What program should I use, how should I do this? Thanks ALOT in advance!!


Edit : Forgot to add that I really need a template because I will re-use this pattern from time to time during other auditions.