Looking at the x265 '--log-level full --help', I see a bunch of options I guess nobody is using or am I mistaken?
So it would be nice if a few users could post their opinions of and experiences with these options.

Looking at the bit stream options:
Bitstream options:
   --[no-]info                   Emit SEI identifying encoder and parameters. Default enabled
   --[no-]aud                    Emit access unit delimiters at the start of each access unit. Default disabled
   --[no-]hrd                    Enable HRD parameters signaling. Default disabled
   --[no-]repeat-headers         Emit SPS and PPS headers at each keyframe. Default disabled
   --hash <integer>              Decoded Picture Hash SEI 0: disabled, 1: MD5, 2: CRC, 3: Checksum. Default 0
'--repead-headers' seems to be the only useful to me (repeating headers should allow better concatenation of encoded streams, like --stitchable for x264) atm. aud&hrd might be useful assuming there is a HEVC Blu-ray or similar standard which uses them.
'--no-info' might be useful for those who what to hide their encoding settings
'--hash', for me, doesn't seem to be useful other than for debugging

Reconstructed video options (debugging):
-r/--recon <filename>            Reconstructed raw image YUV or Y4M output file name
   --recon-depth <integer>       Bit-depth of reconstructed raw image file. Defaults to input bit depth, or 8 if Y4M
like the sectioning suggests only for debugging and not useful to normal users at all

Rate control, Adaptive Quantization:
   --analysis-mode <string|int>  save - Dump analysis info into file, load - Load analysis buffers from the file. Default 0
   --analysis-file <filename>    Specify file name used for either dumping or reading analysis data.
   --cbqpoffs <integer>          Chroma Cb QP Offset. Default 0
   --crqpoffs <integer>          Chroma Cr QP Offset. Default 0
   --scaling-list <string>       Specify a file containing HM style quant scaling lists or 'default' or 'off'. Default: off
   --lambda-file <string>        Specify a file containing replacement values for the lambda tables
                                 MAX_MAX_QP+1 floats for lambda table, then again for lambda2 table
                                 Blank lines and lines starting with hash(#) ar
all these options require more in depth understanding (may be not the cb/cbr-offs setting) than most users will have, so I doubt any of them is useful to a non-x265-developer, or am I mistaken again?

Cu Selur